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Discover the creative team bringing  you Ocean of Growth 

Antonio Barako
Social Media Director

Personal growth is about a goal you achieve from overcoming the hardships you have been going through as well as the ones you are currently facing. In my opinion, you need to boost your self confidence and by that, I mean getting involve into productive activities, in which you get comfortable with yourself.


Due to the harsh past i have been facing with bullies in the elementary classes, I always looked up to violence as a solution to most of my problems. However, i get to be introduced to the world of martial arts ; from there on, I learnt to be more calm and understanding towards other persons.


Despite this pleasant progress i made, life is always full of upcoming challenges. It is important to keep your mind open to the solutions to your problems as well so you don’t get left out by your self esteem.

Felix Bonke
Lead Copywriter and Content Creator / Researcher

"Personal growth for me is just something natural. It has always been there. My mother threw everything she had at us: books, meditation, affirmations.. It was for us as normal as taking a shower. Now, I'm part of an awesome team of like-minded people, where I can finally share the passion.


Aside from the entire Harry Potter book series, I can't recall reading much aside from Self-Help literature. I have used the knowledge taken from these books in all daily practices, from saying no to drugs and sex, to finding the right environment of people, to owning an incredible recording studio.

My friends simply state me as a tall dutch dude with long hair. I prefer something more along the lines of creative and unique genius, with somewhat a 1960s soul and hairstyle.  And no, I don't look like Shaggy nor MacGyver. When I'm not reading, I'm producing music on my laptop,  or daydreaming listening to artists no-one's heard of."

Ugo Juliano
Lead Web Developer and Conceptor

"Unlike Felix, my experience with personal growth was certainly not natural. I grew up in an environment where respect was a key value to which we lived our lives. But this respect often lead us to being shy and submissive to our elders and the new people we meet. This "respect" didn't give me much help when it came to asking girls since I was considered more of a nice guy.


Then I stumbled into the world of self-help, thanks to YouTube. The knowledge I obtained helped me grow and some what got rid of my problems. I'm still learning and growing of course but the important thing is that I'm now in a better place than I was before. And so I hope the advice and content we share will help you grow to new lengths like you've never been before, so far that you will never look back again."

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